Confined Space Awareness 29 CFR 1910.146
Target Audience: Employees who work around confined spaces but not authorized for entry.
Confined Space Awareness is an in-depth, 8-hour, class that provides detailed instruction and real-world case studies, informing students on the dangerous environment of confined spaces.
This Confined Space Awareness course is designed to provide employees that work around spaces such as tanks, manholes, and vaults but are not authorized to enter these spaces, with a better understanding of the hazards associated with confined spaces. This course studies applicable regulations, typical confined space hazards, control measures and proper equipment selection, inspection, and use.
This 1-day course is comprised of the following:
Real-world case study
Definitions and dangers of confined spaces
Introduction of applicable regulatory standards
Identification of confined spaces and the atmospheric dangers and risks
Requirements for permit-required confined spaces
Use of job safety controls for entry into potentially unsafe spaces
o Respiratory
o Gas monitoring o Ventilation